How much is an eighth of weed?

How much is an eighth of weed?

Similar to asking a flight attendant for a glass of alcohol, purchasing cannabis can be awkward when you don't know how to ask for the right amount for your purposes. If you've managed to reach adulthood unscathed by social anxiety, feel free to skip this article and make your way to a licensed dispensary where a budtender can walk you through the rest.

If not, know that an eighth of weed is the most common amount consumers purchase. Why? Cannabis brands, dispensaries, and delivery services all measure dried flower in grams and ounces. An eighth is simply shorthand for an eighth of an ounce, or 3.5 grams, of weed.

What is a gram and how much is it exactly?

A gram, sometimes colloquially referred to as a dime bag or dub, is the smallest measurement of dried flower. How much weed you need depends entirely on how much weed you plan on consuming per day, but for rolling one sizable joint, one gram is plenty. 

Depending on the density of the nugs, a gram of weed can range in size from a walnut to a kumquat. So, if someone tries to sell you a gram of weed the size of a tiny organic blueberry, ask them to pull out a scale and weigh it again.




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